
Showing posts from August, 2012

2012: Upcoming Shows and Tour

In a few weeks, we're playing Within These Walls Fest for the second year in Arizona. So rad to be asked to come back. Last year ruled. We started booking our first tour, we'll be announcing all the venues soon as well. Here's all our upcoming shows: September 8, 2012 September 9, 2012 September 11, 2012 September 22, 2012 //

2012: May - August / Writing, Shows, and Comps

Going to make this 2 posts as I want to cover a lot of stuff We started writing for our 2nd LP. Cody and Albert have been meeting up a few days a week at our lockout to work out album ideas. Albert is a new beast on guitar since recording Antipathy and the split. I don't know when he sleeps, I constantly get messages from him at all hours of the night with new riffs attached. We're heading in a different direction, into space, these are my favorite songs yet. As it should be... Albert demoing songs for our 2nd LP in my room. We've always recorded acoustic demos first, ask us why. ( Single artwork for 'Black') We re-recorded our song 'Black' during the split sessions and it's being released on the Dog Years Records 2012 comp. You can pre-order below. Chris who made our Antipathy posters runs the label. Our song 'Eternal' was also featured on the new Toxicbreed Funhou